Disability is Not Inability

Disability denotes functional limitation. Use of appropriate technology helps in reducing the effects of this limitation. Technology enhances capacities, and complements abilities. This results in enabling persons with disability to become a productive member of the society. The best example of this is the
Information Technology and how it is transforming lives of persons with sensory impairments.
Modern computers came into existence in the 20th century and since then have affected the lives of one and almost all. They are being used in every profession and have offered growth potential never experienced before. One of the salient features of the Personal Computer is that it stores information in digital format. This information can be expressed or conveyed in many different ways. The same piece of information can be viewed on screen in different sizes or could be spoken out by the PC itself. This feature has provided different alternatives to access same piece of information.
The goal of the Independent Living and Assistive Technology Programme is to empower Persons with disabilities to become